BRIC Journey
We at BRIC have been in the quest of serving humanity for the better part of two decades. Our tireless efforts began in 1997 and are still going strong today. The journey has been an eventful one, hard at times, at times very rewarding. In all these years we have achieved groundbreaking results through pure dedication and a strong will to work for the betterment of society holistically. Our game plan has always been designed to achieve results whether through effective short-term projects or through yielding long-term ones. These projects revolve around the provision of education, health care, and fundamental human rights.

Our main objective is to achieve our set goals. Whether this involves working independently or through joining forces with local and international organizations which share our vision and humanitarian instinct, a will to help make the world a better place. As a result, we have launched numerous sustainable projects which have been serving those in need and will continue to do so for years to come